All top recurve archers are extremely stable and do not have much sway in their posture when they shoot, this drill helps you eliminate sway too. An important part of eliminating sway is to have correct posture and positioning in the first place. To read more about the technical side of posture, see our Stance & Posture guide.
To read about core exercises that you can do as part of your gym sessions, see our Archery Exercises section. These exercises can really help your archery posture.
1.Place something, such as a tripod, 5m from the shooting line between you and the target.
2.Find a consistent shooting point so that the tripod is lined up with the side of the target.
3.Shoot as normal.
4.As you shoot, you will see movement between the tripod and the target if you sway. Work on eliminating any movement.
This is a really great training drill to eliminate sway in your archery posture. Also remember that swaying can be caused if you lose connection with your core through the shot, so make sure to keep the connection with your core.