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Archery Drills - T Posture

Archery posture is essential to your recurve shot. This drill will help you learn the basic T-Posture position for your shot. To read more about the technique side of posture, see our Recurve Archery Technique – Stance & Posture section.

Key Points

1.Stand on the shooting line

2.Look at the target

3.Raise both arms to the side and create a “T”

4.Bend your draw arm at the elbow to bring your draw hand close to your neck


This is a great basic drill for beginners. It’s also a very useful drill if you have lost the correct feeling of where your T-posture position should be.

Combining this drill with a comparison of your posture when you shoot can be very useful. Do this drill in front of a mirror, or use video or coach feedback to check your posture.

recurve archer showing t-posture position drill