Another great drill to improve your archery posture is this “T-posture slide” drill. Some archers get used to shooting with a bend in the spine but it feels to them as if they are standing straight. When you slide and reset back to the central position during this drill, you can learn the feeling of the central, “T-posture” position. Do this drill in front of a mirror for added benefit. To read more about the technical side of archery posture and what is correct, see our Recurve Archery Technique – Stance & Posture section.
There are some useful core exercises you can do in the gym which are similar to these “T-Slides”, see our Archery Exercises section.
1.Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, in the same stance you use to shoot.
2.Face forwards, with your arms out to the side in a “T” shape.
3.Slide only your upper body to one side, keeping the hips and legs in exactly the same position.
4.Slide back to the central position and hold for 1-2 seconds. Then slide the other way before returning to the middle again. Repeat.
Although this drill may seem basic and unnecessary, it’s very beneficial for most archers. You can perform this drill as part of your archery warm up, or just at home to practice your posture in a mirror. You could also do it as part of one of your gym sessions.
Do this drill in front of a mirror for the most benefit.